Online testing allows you to evaluate the professional productivity, skills and personal qualities of dozens of candidates without your participation. Make your decision based on objective data, not the “essay” on your resume.
Video interview
Conduct any number of interviews, saving time and not adjusting to candidates. Write down the necessary questions, send interviews to all candidates in one click, and watch the candidate’s ready-made video response at a convenient time.
Engagement Score
Is your team looking bleak and your business performance declining? In 10 minutes, you will find out the level of employee engagement based on 12 parameters and identify the company’s “sore areas” that reduce productivity.
is an automated system for hiring productive employees.
The HRSCANNER service solves the main problems in the recruiting process: it helps to accurately identify the most effective candidates and automate the hiring process, significantly saving the time of the HR manager and directors.
HRSCANNER is a cloud platform with access through any browser that allows you effectively evaluate an unlimited number of candidates, conduct video interviews without wasting your personal time, and receive test results in one click in a convenient interface from any device.

How to recruit champions?
The hiring process can be compared to predicting the future. The task of an HR manager or leader is to predict whether the candidate will be able to effectively implement the valuable end product of his position and be useful to the company.
In order to increase the accuracy of their decision, many companies evaluate the candidate's resume. But is this object of analysis objective?
Most of the time, a resume lists only the responsibilities of previous jobs, but does not indicate results and data on actual productivity. In addition, candidates like to hide their shortcomings and exaggerate their achievements.
If you want to obtain objective data about the skills, personal qualities and professional productivity of a candidate,
our platform has a test system that will improve the accuracy of hiring and weed out ineffective applicants.
The assessment system is a funnel, at each stage of which we weed out unsuitable candidates, and at the end we get only those whose results suit us.
No company can grow sales faster than its ability to hire the right people.

At the first stage of selection, all candidates are sent the “Result” test, which evaluates the employee’s productivity at previous places of work. It consists of 20 questions,
and the candidate spends only 10 minutes to complete it.
Productivity s not about being busy, but about getting results.

Imagine you are hiring a medical device sales manager.
In the resume, the candidate indicated that at his previous place of work his sales volume was 2.5 million rubles. Is this a lot or a little?
If his colleagues sold for 10 million, and he only
sold for 2.5 million, then this must be a weak result. But if this is a newbie, and for his position the sales plan was
1 million, and he sold for 2.5 million, this
becomes an excellent result. The same result can be interpreted differently depending on the given context.
The test results will provide you with an objective picture of the candidate's productivity and significantly reduce the likelihood of making an erroneous assessment of his actual performance.
This is how the candidate’s answers to the “Result” test questions are displayed.
qualities assessment
If you are satisfied with the results of the productivity test, then in one click
you can transfer it to the next stage of selection and send the candidate a “Tools” test, which evaluates personal qualities.
It consists of 200 questions and the candidate spends about 35 minutes
completing it. It allows you to assess the applicant’s personal qualities (soft skills),
which are not directly related to his competence and professional skills, but largely
determine his ability to organically and involvedly cope with the nature and nuances of work responsibilities in your company.
In the screenshot you see the results of testing a candidate for the position of Marketing Director. We see that his strengths are self-discipline, perseverance and objectivity, and a low indicator of responsibility indicates that the candidate has low initiative.
Why is it important to assess a candidate's personal qualities?
Each employee comes to us with a set of specific tools for personal effectiveness, developed over their lifetime.
An employee can be highly productive and fulfill their job responsibilities, but still have a bad temperament and exhibit signs of toxicity. Would you hire an accountant who balances perfectly and prepares all reports on time, but at the same time creates confusion in the team, and all colleagues avoid communicating with him?
The test results will indicate potential problem areas of the candidate and help identify risks at the selection stage.
There are no right or wrong answers in the Tools test - the results only show strengths and weaknesses. For example, a candidate for an aeronautical design engineer position may not need to be empathetic or outgoing, but a high level of attentiveness would be an obvious necessity. A good support specialist, on the contrary, should be sociable and able to understand the feelings of other people, but at the same time he does not have to have increased focus.
Clear interpretation of results
Based on the candidate’s answers, the system will automatically generate and send you a concise report, in which it will evaluate each of the 10 points in simple and understandable language. All you have to do is decide whether the candidate’s personal qualities match the vacant position.
Profile tests
The assessment system has two additional profile tests: the “Logis” test to assess the level of intelligence, which is used to test candidates for managerial and especially important positions, and the “Sales” test to evaluate sales managers.
Intelligence level
Intelligence quotient (or IQ) helps assess a candidate's analytical abilities and shows how capable they are of thinking intelligently and making accurate decisions. For this purpose, our system has the “Logis” test. It consists of 80 questions and the candidate spends up to 30 minutes to complete it.
Typically, this testing is used when hiring for management and critical positions in a company, but you can use it at your discretion when searching for an employee for any position. We recommend sending this test to applicants who have already taken productivity and personality tests and whose results satisfied you.
Why is it important to measure candidates' IQ?
The IQ indicator gives a fair assessment of a person’s ability to correctly and quickly find similarities, differences and identities, building logical chains and cause-and-effect relationships.
a manager with a high level of intelligence will be able to quickly find the relationship between previously made ineffective decisions and current poor performance and correct it. And a leader with a low IQ will make wrong decisions over and over again, having incorrectly analyzed the data.
Also, the level of intelligence directly determines how quickly a person is able to understand the product and the features of the company. If you hire an employee with a low IQ, be prepared for the fact that you will have to spend more time setting the task, and the number of repeated mistakes will reduce the company’s performance.
Test results
As a result of testing, we will receive the candidate’s numerical IQ and a transcript with a description and recommendation as to whether a job that requires quick and error-free decision-making that is important for the company is suitable for them or not.
Sales manager assessment
Most often, companies require sales managers, and a universal test of 120 questions was developed specifically for their assessment, which takes the candidate approximately 25 minutes to complete.
The "Sales" test evaluates the professional qualities of sales managers according to 12 parameters:
- The first block, marked in purple, concerns the inner filling of a person and his sense of himself in sales.
- The second block, highlighted in yellow, shows how confident the candidate is and is results-oriented.
- The third block talks about relationships with clients and colleagues and assesses how much the candidate is able to interact with other people.
Clear interpretation
Based on the answers, the system itself will generate and send you a concise report, in which it will evaluate each of the 12 points in simple and understandable language. All you have to do is decide whether the candidate’s professional qualities match the vacant position.
Video interview — online system for automatic interviews
Remember the times when you invited a candidate for an interview, they confirmed the meeting, but disappeared on the road and did not show up. Or when, after 30 seconds of communication, you realized that the candidate is clearly not suitable, but out of respect for their time spent, you are forced to continue. Or when candidates, upset by a quick rejection, left angry reviews online and questioned the company's reputation.
With the video interview system for HRSCANNER, you can conduct any number of interviews per day without wasting your time or adjusting to the candidates’ schedule.
Conducting a video interview is a simple thing:
you want to ask and set the maximum time for an answer
to candidates by e-mail or messenger
share the results with colleagues and give feedback to applicants in one click
15 minutes to master the system
The system has an intuitive interface and is easy to learn. As a rule, after a 15-minute demonstration of the capabilities of a personal account, an HR specialist can comprehensively use all the capabilities of video interviews.
4 differences from Zoom
- Neither you nor the applicant waste time adjusting schedules
- The candidate records a video interview at a convenient time, without wasting time traveling to your office
- You can selectively view answers to key questions, thereby saving time when making a decision on an applicant
- In one click you can share a separate fragment of an interview or the entire recording with a manager or colleague
You can take a video interview from either a laptop or a phone without the need to install additional programs
How to evaluate a new employee using the HRSCANNER service?
then we send the him/her a “Tools” test; if we don’t like it, we reject them with one click in the system
HRSCANNER tests directly
A special setting adds a button to send tests directly to your account on Headhunter, Superjob or in the Huntflow HR system. If you come across a resume of a suitable candidate on a job site, in one click you can send them any of the tests or a link to a video interview.
Convenient HR CRM system
Information on candidates is located in a single cloud storage, accessible 24/7 without the need to install additional programs. It will be convenient for even several HR managers to work in it at the same time.
The system interface is intuitive and convenient: in one click you can send the candidate the required test, view the results, send a polite refusal, or transfer the applicant to the next stage of selection.
s in the applicant card:
13 hours of educational content
In your personal account, you can go to the “Training” section, where educational and training materials are collected:
methodologies and tools
for hiring productive employees
interpretation of test results
Assessing the engagement of current employees
How to measure desire, love and passion for work?
Involvement is the state of an employee when he feels passion for his work, is committed to the business interests of the company, is ready to connect his future with this company, recommend it to his environment as an employer, and identifies his goals and values with the interests of the company.
In businesses with low employee engagement, project deadlines are more likely to be missed, the number of absenteeism and sick days increases by 30%, and there are more dissatisfied clients who leave the company. HR managers and entrepreneurs can measure employee engagement. For this purpose, the “Regard” test has been developed in the HRSCANNER system.
The “Regard” test contains 88 questions that are aimed at drawing up a schedule in 12 areas of an employee’s life in the company. Six points about the attitude towards the company itself, the immediate supervisor, the entire team, between employees, plans and results, as well as the growth and development of the employee within the company. The other six points are about satisfaction with the workplace, position in the company, income, management assessment, responsibilities and oneself.
In one day, you will be able to measure the engagement of all current employees and understand the strengths and weaknesses in your company according to your team. The employees themselves will tell you what can be improved and where everything is going well. The test takes 9 minutes to complete.
This is what the “Regard test” report looks like, obtained during an assessment of the staff engagement of one of our clients. We see that the employee is not entirely satisfied with their income and is not happy with themselves at work. At the same time, we see that he/she is completely satisfied with the status and position in the company, as well as the arrangement of their workplace. You see what worries them and what he/she is not entirely happy with.
Reports for each employee, for departments and for the entire company will be immediately available in your personal account. You will receive a graph of employee engagement in the context of twelve different areas of company life.
Testing can be done anonymously or openly. At the same time, a special lie scale was introduced into the test itself in the form of a battery.
This is a series of special questions showing how much the employee tried to deceive the test, whether they gave socially approved answers, fearing punishment for their sincerity.
From the report you will be able to find out whether employees are satisfied with their jobs, income level, position in the company, and you will understand their
attitude towards the manager, plans and product of the company. There are 12 indicators in total.
The “Regard” test report will allow you not only to see areas of growth and weaknesses, but also to formulate EVP - the employer’s value product and understand why current employees work for you in the first place.
Do you have more qЁuestions? Leave a request indicating your contact number

operations director